Saturday, December 29, 2007

Breakfast with the Moms

The high school basketball coaches held their annual breakfast with the moms on Saturday, December 16, 2007. It was a great opportunity for moms to learn some basketball lingo and get to know the coaches and each other a little better at the start of the season. I love that the coaches do this for us.

This year the coaches taught us the meaning of all those hand signals they use during the game. Of course, I promptly forgot what these complex charades stand for. But at least I know the coaches and players are actually communicating using these signs and not just waving to each other. Perhaps I'll develop some hand signals to use at home. I have a good one planned for "clean your room." Anyone out there have a hand signal for "take out the garbage"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed the "MOM's breakfast" to make money to buy the BB shoes, so I am lost with those signals. I am a rookie sophmore basketball mom and appreciate the mentoring from the more experienced
"clapping" basketball moms.

Do you find yourself telling your son to "move it" only to find later he "was setting a pick"? OOPS!! I thought he was just lost.

This teenage son thing is new and we are kids and parents, finding out roles. Side note: I noticed boys don't tell me things any where near as much as my girls did.

I appreciate the more expereinced "clapping" moms for being merciful to me for cheering, or should I say "yelling", the incorrect way at, more often than not,the wrong times.

I enjoy the blog. Keep up the good work!!
Go Rangers!!